Rigaku with hundreds of important innovations in its favor, is a world leader in the fields of general X-ray diffraction.

With Rigaku’s extensive knowledge of X-rays and its complementary technologies as a fundamental basis, its true strength focuses on the unprecedented provision of collaboration with customers. Through the promotion of partnerships, dialogue and innovation within global scientific and industrial communities, Rigaku demonstrates a tireless commitment to offer our client markets fully integrated solutions.

The company and its employees are dedicated to developing and providing universities, industries and laboratories with the latest in customer-centric integrated solutions; in a wide variety of disciplines.

Local contact:

Pedro Vardanega

Contact supplier:

Yaginuma Mariku

XRD (X-ray Diffraction)

It is one of the most important techniques for the analysis of all types of materials: powders, fluids and crystals. In research, production and engineering is an indispensable tool for the characterization of materials and quality control.

XRF (X-ray Fluorescence)

It is one of the simplest, exact and economical techniques for the determination of elementary composition of different types of materials, indispensable in Research and Quality Control. Rigaku offers WDXRF, EDXRF, and TXRF equipment.

CT (X-ray Computed Tomography)

This technique allows images of the entire sample to be obtained at multiple angles and through a sophisticated algorithm the three-dimensional reconstruction of the sample is obtained, which can be sectioned in different directions.


Av. Boedo 1813 C1239AAI, C.A.B.A., Argentina phone +54 11 4909-2600
