Trusted By Top Derms

TheraClear™ Acne System combines light and vacuum for fast and visible reduction in acne and associated redness.  TheraClear™ Acne Surgery Insert treats some of the severest forms of acne in just a single treatment.

Local contact:

Alexander Lopez

Contact supplier:

Edward Saenz


The TheraClear™ Acne System is a state of the art acne treatment device which addresses multiple causes of acne in a single treatment and only continuously cooled device FDA cleared for the treatment of multiple acne indications on all skin types.

Specific indications include:

* Mild to inflammatory acne (acne vulgaris)

* Pustular acne

* Comedonal acne



Luis Alberto Herrera 1248(Dto 240) Montevideo, Uruguay

phone +54 11 4909-2600